Neurohealth Wellness News.

Benefits of Pregnancy Massage

At Neurohealth Wellness, prenatal massage provides a natural way to enhance overall health and well-being for most pregnant women, supporting both physical and emotional wellness throughout pregnancy. With guidance from your prenatal care provider, massage therapy can be a valuable addition to your prenatal care, helping you experience a smoother pregnancy and supporting a healthy outcome for both mother and baby. Research shows that prenatal massage can reduce anxiety, relieve muscle and joint pain, improve labour experiences, and support newborn health by reducing the risk of complications.

Feeling a bit moody or stressed? Studies show that massage during pregnancy can positively influence hormones related to stress and relaxation. Regular prenatal massage has been shown to lower stress hormones like cortisol and norepinephrine, while increasing serotonin and dopamine, which are essential for mood regulation and emotional well-being. This hormonal balance also leads to fewer birth complications and healthier newborns, with reduced risks such as low birth weight. Prenatal massage further supports cardiovascular health, crucial for a healthy pregnancy.

What about swelling? Many women experience oedema, or swelling in the joints, during pregnancy due to reduced circulation and increased pressure on blood vessels from the growing uterus. Massage stimulates soft tissues, promoting fluid movement and helping to reduce swelling. By supporting lymphatic drainage, prenatal massage helps eliminate tissue waste, easing discomfort and enhancing overall wellness.

Experiencing back pain or sciatic nerve discomfort? As pregnancy progresses, you may feel tension in your lower back, legs, or upper body due to changes in posture and increased pressure. Sciatic nerve pain, in particular, is common during late pregnancy as the uterus presses on the muscles around the pelvic floor, causing radiating leg pain. Massage therapy can help relieve this pressure, easing sciatic nerve discomfort and upper back pain, allowing you to adjust more comfortably to these natural changes.

Benefits of Prenatal Massage at Neurohealth Wellness

Here’s how our specialised prenatal massages can support your well-being during pregnancy:

- Relieves back and neck pain
- Reduces joint pain and muscle tension
- Boosts circulation
- Helps reduce swelling (oedema)
- Lowers stress and anxiety
- Improves oxygen flow to soft tissues
- Enhances sleep quality
- Reduces headaches and muscle tightness

Comfort During Your Massage

At Neurohealth Wellness, our prenatal massage experts use specialised chiropractic pregnancy pillows to ensure your comfort. These pillows allow you to lie on your stomach safely if that feels best for you, or you can sit on a yoga ball and lean forward over supportive pillows. We aim to keep you completely comfortable so you can fully relax and experience the therapeutic benefits of your massage.

Is Prenatal Massage Safe Throughout Pregnancy?

Absolutely! Prenatal massage, when performed correctly, is safe and beneficial during each trimester. Many clients enjoy regular massages right up until their due date, finding it a great way to relieve discomfort in the weeks and even days leading up to delivery. Some return soon after giving birth, with their baby sleeping peacefully nearby during their postpartum massage.

As with any approach to pregnancy wellness, we recommend discussing massage with your healthcare provider to ensure it aligns with your needs. By working with the experienced professionals at Neurohealth Wellness on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, you’ll enjoy safe, supportive care for a comfortable, healthy pregnancy.

For more information on our prenatal massage services, or to book an appointment, contact us at Neurohealth Wellness and experience the benefits of safe, nurturing support for you and your baby.

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